Discuss long term potential for harm to human health

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Reference no: EM132454684

Question 1. Work with another student to generate a definition of air pollution. Try to idea several possible stakeholders that will use the law and make it fair for each.

Question 2. Find a process flow diagram of a fossil fuel powered electricity generating facility. N any pollution control equipment that is shown. Try to think of three other ways facility could reduce emissions of air pollutants.

Question 3. Visit the US-EPA RAdNet Air Monitoring Find the location of the nearest monitoring location to where you live. Explore the monitor. Does the site help you interpret the information? Write a paragn or two discussing your findings.

Question 4. What substances are currently used to replace lead additives in gasoline? Compare if short and long term potential for harm to human health"

Question 5. Collect a sample of rain water and measure its pH (your instructor should provide pH t paper to help). Compare your results with your classmates and with the National Ate spheric Deposition Program data

Question 6. When was the last time the air where you live had an ozone pollution episode, defined as an . Quality Index greater than 100 for ozone.

Question 7. Use your state government's environmental quality website and deuxmine if any near surface water has a mercury / fish consumption advisory.

Question 8. Do you think the smog in Beijing China is the London type or the LA type? Why?

Question 9. Pick one of the four assumptions that fonn the basis for modern air pollution control. Wr a paragraph explaining why theassumption is necessary. Consider how things could different if the assumption is not ased.

Question 10. Find an environmental justice issue in the region you live. Prepare a five minute discussion share with your class.

Attachment:- fossil fuel.rar

Reference no: EM132454684

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