Reference no: EM133654230
You are a community health worker, employed by an approved health care provider, to provide home care support to Kenneth who is 84 years old, and lives with his son. While providing home care support you witness Kenneth being attacked by his son. Kenneth was hit in the chest, causing him to fall back into his chair, then hit over the ear, before his son picked up a magazine and threw it violently onto Kenneth's lap. When you went to Kenneth, you saw red marks and on his chest, old bruises. Kenneth says that he doesn't want you to report what has happened. Kenneth has no mental impairment nor does he suffer confusion.
Two thousand (± 10%) formal, academic essay, third person language and include both in-text referencing and a reference list.
Explain and describe the legal and ethical considerations related to a scenario in Aged Care. You will need to draw on the relevant legislation, case law, and literature to support your response. You must refer to specific aspects of the scenario to exemplify your argument. (use Australia commonwealth )
Essay must include references to appropriate academic sources (e.g. peer reviewed journal articles, academic books) to support your assertions. The quality as well as the quantity of sources will be taken into consideration. use in-text referencing to acknowledge all material which is not your own and provide a full reference list for all sources of information used to complete.
The assessment will require you to discuss the ethical considerations and legal obligations of working in a highly regulated and dynamic environment. You will also need to describe scope of practice for community health workers.