Discuss jackie dilemma in terms of cognitive dissonance

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133339238

Jackie Hartnett was hired at Dorf Car Factory for her strong belief in recycling. Not only did she have all the technical skills required for the job, but she had a personal passion for the well-being of the environment. Her boss, Charlie Damon, was excited by her interest in re-using goods and overall concern for the well-being of the environment. These were not strong values for him personally, and he hoped that Jackie would bring a certain level of awareness to other employees, including him.

Jackie came to work at Dorf Car Factory with high hopes. She had been looking for a large organization where she could develop her long-term career goals, and she was encouraged by Dorf's interest in becoming a better "green" employer. She educated herself on the output of the factory and figured out four main ways to reduce harmful elements they were currently releasing into the atmosphere. Jackie's personal interest in recycling dated back to her grade school days when she tracked what happened to all the paper put in the trash pail in each classroom. After learning it ended up in the landfill along with all the other rubbish, Jackie implemented a school-wide recycle program. To this day, all "extra" paper or waste is put in a separate trash pail which is sent to a recycling factory and used to make reusable consumer goods. Jackie is proud of this point.

Jackie throws herself into her work at Dorf Car Factory. Charlie is impressed with both her outstanding performance and how well she gets along with everyone. As Jackie's one year anniversary with Dorf Car Factory approaches, she uncovers information showing several factory shipments of waste material being sold to another company. Quick research showed that this other company does not "properly" dispose of these types of waste products. Jackie immediately approached her boss, Charlie, with the data and was taken aback when he shared with her the extra costs that ended up being involved with several of her "greener" approaches. Disheartened, Jackie asked, "Is anything we committed to almost a year ago still in place?"

Charlie's nonchalant response about the paper recycling program working in the outer offices was not enough of a reassurance for Jackie. That night at home, she contemplates her future with Dorf. She feels torn between her commitment to the company and her personal values of recycling. She wonders, if they have not been open about the actual, behind the scene steps with the recycling program, are there other business aspects that they are not being "open" about?

Answer the following questions by applying the concepts learned in Chapter 2. Also, conduct literature reviews on the subject of discussion and use to support your case study answers:

1. Discuss Jackie's dilemma in terms of cognitive dissonance.

2. How could this new information on Dorf's actual recycling program affect Jackie's perception of the company she works for? What impact could this have on her overall performance? Are her personal values around recycling strong enough to determine who she works for?

3. Do you think Jackie should ignore the company's choice to recycle or not and just keep doing her job? Is she willing to walk away from a good paying job with benefits? Are there other employers who are likely to be more open to recycling programs, and should she pursue opportunities with those companies?

Reference no: EM133339238

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