Discuss its financial performance and financial position

Assignment Help Corporate Finance
Reference no: EM131492221 , Length: word count:2000

Assign you a FTSE [LONDON] listed company.

Selected company- SSE PLC.


1. Analyse and discuss its financial performance and financial position. Your analysis will be supported by appropriate and relevant ratio calculations and explanatory comments. Trends should be identified and analysed. All workings to be presented.

2. Recommend TWO initiatives the company might take in order to improve the position as shown by your analysis of the ratios.

3. A competitor organisation wishes to buy 10% of your company's shares. Estimate the value of a 10% stake, using at least two valuation methods, showing and explaining your workings.

Reference no: EM131492221

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5/11/2017 6:41:45 AM

Total 2000 words ration assignment. Selected company- SSE PLC. Merely computing ratios and observing whether they are improving/dis-improving is NOT analysis — the requirement is to establish WHY the ratios are trending as they are. It is STRONGLY recommended that you examine competitors' ratios, seek industry norms, and source published professional opinions [eg brokers' / investment reports]. Please refer to Marking Scheme. The lecturer has at his disposal, academic software which compares each assignment with every previous assignment. Any instance of collusion / academic impropriety will be dealt with severely.

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