Discuss issue of culture and its relationship to treatment

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Reference no: EM133501801

Discussion Post: Culture and Mental Health Issues

Based on chapter 9 "Culture and Mental Health", discuss the issue of culture and its relationship to the treatment of mental disorders. In doing so, focus on the following themes:

• Barriers to treatment
• Culture bound values
• Class bound values
• Language variables
• Experiences with oppression
• Culturally sensitive therapeutic approaches
• The training of mental health Professionals
• Culture Specific Therapies.

Reference no: EM133501801

Questions Cloud

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Describe what kind of data set you found : Describe what kind of data set you found, and provide a description of how the data was collected and constructed.
Discuss issue of culture and its relationship to treatment : Based on chapter 9 Culture and Mental Health, discuss the issue of culture and its relationship to the treatment of mental disorders.
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What is a trigger, and what is its purpose : What is a trigger, and what is its purpose? What is a stored procedure and why is it particularly useful?
Assess the concept value networks : Assess the concept value networks. Assess the characteristics of capital equipment.
Find a criminal case that involved digital forensics : Find a criminal case that involved Digital Forensics. describing the case and the how digital forensics were used in the investigation.


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