Reference no: EM133496819
The 4th Amendment to the US Constitution protects citizens from "unreasonable searches and seizures." First, from a legal perspective, discuss the right to privacy in one's home, vehicle, purse, bag, person, and or other place where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy.
Next, in your opinion ( AND YOU MUST SUPPORT YOUR OPINION) - does the system provide sufficient safeguards against unreasonable searches or does the system unfairly hamper law enforcement thus preventing their protection of law-abiding citizens' to be free from crime? Again, support your position.
Personally, with the discussion of Intrusion and Search and Seizure in mind, how intrusive of a search are you willing to undergo in order to fly? To board a bus? What about an Uber ride? What about upon entering a crowded event?
Can you see where there is a necessary (and very difficult) balancing act of protecting citizen's reasonable expectation of privacy under the 4th Amendment and the charge to law enforcement to maintain safety and security for citizens?