Discuss interview questions that recruiters should avoid

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Reference no: EM133536999

Question: Discuss three (3) interview questions that recruiters should avoid and how recruiters can rephrase them to meet legal compliance.

Respond to at least two (2) classmates over two or more days, discussing other ways to reframe these questions to ensure interviews are legally compliant. Identify the key areas human resources should cover when interviewing candidates.

Reference no: EM133536999

Questions Cloud

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What about supervisor and employee relationship : what about supervisor and employee relationship and what and what were the deficiencies that needs further research?
Discuss interview questions that recruiters should avoid : Discuss interview questions that recruiters should avoid and how recruiters can rephrase them to meet legal compliance.
What do you think local departments of health can do to help : What are some of the biological changes that individuals experience as it relates to grief and loss? Be sure to include both physical health, emotional health
Identify the central causes of the great depression : Identify the central causes of the Great Depression.
Discuss the issues raised in chapter : Discuss the issues raised in Chapter 10 and 11 that both help and hurt your chances to recover payment from VV.
Which has led to an increase in homelessness : ENGL 135- The issue is the severe absence of affordable housing in the U.S., the poverty, and the personal crisis which has led to an increase in homelessness.


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