Discuss in the report antennas properties

Assignment Help MATLAB Programming
Reference no: EM131622512

Description of Assessment Task:

In this assignment you will develop and test a Matlab program for plotting antenna radiation patterns and antenna parameters calculation. You will be given 4 data files in .csv format that represent results for measured radiated power of an antenna versus azimuthal angle φ and elevation angle θ.

- File Phi.csv contains a column of azimuthal angles φ from 0-360 degrees.
- File P_phi.csv contains a column of measured radiated power in Watts in the direction of angle φ with matching index, e.g. fifth row in P_phi.csv (P(5) value) corresponds to fifth row in Phi.csv (φ(5) value).
- File Theta.csv contains a column of elevation angles θ from 0-360 degrees.
- File P_theta.csv contains a column of measured radiated powers corresponding to θ angles.

You are required to analyse the data by calculating antenna parameters and visually representing radiation patterns in the report.

Step 1: Import files

Copy all required files to the Matlab folder on the computer. Files need to be in the same Matlab folder as the program you run.

Write code to import the contents of the .csv files into Matlab. Import files for azimuthal angles φ and corresponding powers first. (Alternatively use import button in Matlab).

Step 2: Preliminary parameter calculations

Find the angle in direction of which radiation is maximum. Normalise powers of radiated field to maximum radiated power. Convert angles to radians.

Step 3: Plot antenna radiation pattern

Plot radiation pattern for powers in dB versus azimuthal angle φ. You can use plot_dB.m Matlab program attached in your assignment. Program can be opened and edited in notepad if necessary. Program works similar to inbuilt Matlab polar plot command and expects angle in radians and power in normalised ratio form (not dB).

polar_dB(angle,power,rangedb,increments,rays), where angle and power are names of your actual variables for angles and powers, rangedb, increments, rays parameters define minimum polar radius value (e.g. min power in dB) and grid line spacings.

Write code to export image into a .jpg file. (Alternatively use save button in Matlab).

Step 4: Parameter calculations

Write code to calculate P ratio in dB and calculate the beamwidth of the antenna in horizontal plane. If exact required power level match is not possible due to discrete data in .csv file, use the nearest available value in.csv file for calculations. Include formula and/or explanation for each calculated parameter. (Alternatively find required data from
.csv files for lower mark).

Write code and calculate front to back ratio of the antenna in dB in horizontal plane.

Write code and calculate number of antenna side lobes, direction of maximum radiation and powers in dB radiated into direction of each side lobe in horizontal plane. (Alternatively find side lobe levels and directions from .csv files for lower mark).

Step 5: Repeat steps for elevation angles

Repeat steps 1 to 4 for vertical plane (versus elevation angle θ).
Step 6: Export result to a file

Export results of your calculations with text description for each result into a .csv file.

Step 6: Discuss the results

Discuss in the report antenna's properties based on what you have found from calculations and visualisation. Attach your Matlab code to your report as appendix.

Attachment:- csv files.zip

Reference no: EM131622512

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Discuss in the report antennas properties : Discuss in the report antenna's properties based on what you have found from calculations and visualisation. Attach your Matlab code to your report as appendix.
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9/1/2017 2:59:35 AM

Please read through the assignment file carefully and explain all required fields without plagiarism thanks. I can send you some lectures as well for help if required. Discuss in the report antenna's properties based on what you have found from calculations and visualisation. Attach your Matlab code to your report as appendix. Find the angle in direction of which radiation is maximum. Normalise powers of radiated field to maximum radiated power. Convert angles to radians.


9/1/2017 2:54:55 AM

Explanation/ justification All elements are present and well integrated. Components present with good cohesion Components present and mostly well integrated Most components present Lacks structure. Demonstration Logic is clear and easy to follow with strong arguments Consistency logical and convincing Mostly consistent logical and convincing Adequate cohesion and conviction Argument is confused and disjointed Reference style Clear styles with excellent source of references. Clear referencing/ style Generally good referencing/style Unclear referencing/style Lacks consistency with many errors Presentation Proper writing. Professionally presented Properly written, with some minor deficiencies Mostly good, but some structure or presentation problems Acceptable presentation Poor structure, careless presentation


9/1/2017 2:54:47 AM

Marking Rubrics: Grade Mark HD 80%+ D 70%-79% CR 60%-69% P 50%-59% Fail < 50% Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Analysis Logic is clear and easy to follow with strong arguments Consistency logical and convincing Mostly consistent and convincing Adequate cohesion and conviction Argument is confused and disjointed Effort/Difficulties/ Challenges The presented solution demonstrated an extreme degree of difficulty that would require an expert to implement. The presented solution demonstrated a high degree of difficulty that would be an advance professional to implement. The presented solution demonstrated an average degree of difficulty that would be an average professional to implement. The presented solution demonstrated a low degree of difficulty that would be easy to implement. The presented solution demonstrated a poor degree of difficulty that would be too easy to implement.


9/1/2017 2:54:28 AM

Plot of radiation pattern in vertical plane Image of radiation pattern plotted in polar coordinates in dB scale. 6 Parameter calculations in vertical plane Calculated beamwidth, front to back ratio, number and power level in dB of side lobes with formulas and/or explanation included. 6 Discussion Discuss antenna properties based on calculated results and radiation patterns. 5 Reference style Follow IEEE reference style. 1 Total 40


9/1/2017 2:54:19 AM

Marking Guide: Section to be included in the report and demonstration Description of the section Marks Introduction, Method, Results, and Discussion Each section is present in the report and adequately covered. 2 Import and export Correctly coded import and export commands. 2 Normalising radiated power Correctly identified direction of maximum radiation and normalised radiated power. 6 Plot of radiation pattern in horizontal plane Image of radiation pattern plotted in polar coordinates in dB scale. 6 Parameter calculations in horizontal plane Calculated beamwidth, front to back ratio, number and power level in dB of side lobes with formulas and/or explanation included. 6


9/1/2017 2:54:11 AM

The Assignment 1 report format should include the title page with assignment title, your name and student number and sections entitled: Introduction, Method, Results, and Discussion. Subsections may be included as required. References should be in IEEE format. Refer to Lectures 1 and 2 if necessary for the method and the formulas required for constructing radiation pattern. Use Matlab help and Matlab start.pdf if needed. The report shall include two cases of radiation patterns: one in horizontal plane and one in vertical plane and calculated antenna parameters in each plane. Provide adequate explanation on how you executed the steps.


9/1/2017 2:53:57 AM

If an extension of time to submit work is required, a Special Consideration Application must be submitted directly to the School's Administration Officer, in Melbourne on Level 6 or in Sydney on Level 7. You must submit this application three working days prior to the due date of the assignment.


9/1/2017 2:53:47 AM

1. All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page. 2. The assignment must be submitted in only MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 10-pt Times New Roman (Body) font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of each page with appropriate section headings and page numbering. 3. All materials used must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using IEEE referencing style.

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