Reference no: EM131739414
I need answer of the highlighte part "How well does the model match the transition of developing countries in the world today?", I found the demographic transition model
Describe the four main phases or stages of the demographic transition model, including both the demographic shifts themselves and the fundamental social and technological factors that drive them. How well does the model match the transition of developing countries in the world today?
Demographic Transition Model:
A descriptive model of demographic (population structure) transitions that are thought to occur as countries move from traditional to industrial societies. It is derived from the early modern era to the present. It also often treated as a universal law or model, though this is somewhat problematic.
5 phases:
Phase 1: high births, high deaths, low natural increase.
Fertility near biological max
Mortality fluctuated, with excess mortality due to famines, wars and disease
Family as unit of production, children contribute to family economy at young age
Extra children cost little to raise; provide social security in old age
Phase 2: continuing high birth rates, declining death rates, increasing natural increase
Benefits from colonialism- dietary improvements with staple crops (potatoes, tomatoes, corn)
Advances in agricultural practices in 18th C (crop rotation, selective breeding, mechanization, enclosure)
Improvements in sanitation and invention and use of soap
Cultural acceptability of limiting fertility not yet in place.
Phase 3: continued decrease in death rates, beginning decline in birth rates, continued high natural increase
Began in 1875
Continued decline in death rate due to rising standards of living, better diet, better medical knowledge and treatments
Decline in birthrates due to: urbanization, industrialization, universal and compulsory education, child labor laws, state welfare, knowledge of more children surviving to adulthood, increased cultural acceptability of limiting fertility and increasing female literacy and employment outside of home.
Phase 4: Low death rate, near biological minimum. Decrease of birth rate to level of death rate (or below). Very low natural increase or actually natural decrease
Decrease in birth rate due to family planning, good health, improving status of women and later marriages.
Decrease in death rate due to god healthcare and reliable food supply.