Discuss html- css

Assignment Help DOT NET Programming
Reference no: EM13759956

For this discussion board, we will discover and share good online resources which discuss HTML5, CSS, and/or Web design concepts, news, or information.

• As an IT professional, you will frequently use the Web to located resources to help you with your work. There are a plethora of online   resources available, including news articles, reviews, blogs, videos, reference books, and tutorials.
• Take some time to search for something HTML or CSS related which you'd like to learn more about. Find two or three resources on the Web which you feel are good for your intended purpose. For example, if I wanted to know more about tables, perhaps I'd find a tutorial about how to apply CSS rules and a blog by an IT professional providing best practices on using tables. Be sure to locate and use only legitimate, useful sources. You already may have a few favorites to share.
• Use the Resources Discussion Board to:
    1. List the topic/subject-matter covered in your resources
    2. Provide a summary, in your own words, of the information presented in each of the resources
   3. Include a reference to each of your resources using APA format. Feel free to use this resource for more information on APA  references: APA Reference

Reference no: EM13759956

Questions Cloud

Perspective of disease : Brief intro to the patient and chief complaintPatient Perspective of "disease" - what is it like for the patient to have this chief complaint? How is it affecting his or her life.
Case study- network infrastructure vulnerabilities : Case Study- Network Infrastructure Vulnerabilities, You are the Information Security Officer at a medium-sized company (1,500 employees)
Write a literary analysis about the value of conflict : Write a Literary Analysis about the value of conflict. We experience conflict in our personal relationships and in our interactions with society.
Case study- ping sweeps and port scans : Case Study: Ping Sweeps and Port Scans, Your boss has just heard about some nefarious computer activities called ping sweeps and port scans
Discuss html- css : As an IT professional, you will frequently use the Web to located resources to help you with your work. There are a plethora of online   resources available, including news articles, reviews, blogs, videos, reference books, and tutorials.
Write a powershell script changenames : Create a batch file CHANGENAMES.BAT that does the following (note that %1, %2, and %3 refer to command line arguments passed to the batch file when executed): Creates a set of %1 empty files with randomly generated names, with filename extension %2..
Health behavior : Health behavior is the activity undertaken by a person who believes him or herself to be healthy for the purpose of preventing health problems.
Impact on the home countrys trade balance : Explain why exchange -rate quotations stated in different financial centers tend to be consistent with one another?
Audit objectives for complex financial instruments : Provide examples of important audit objectives for complex financial instruments and transactions For each audit objective that you identify, list one or more audit procedures that could be used to accomplish that objective.


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