Discuss how your form improves communication

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM13558371

Question :

1. You are the new manager of market intelligence in arapidly expanding software firm. Many product managers and corporate officers have requested market surveys from you on various products . Design a form for a research proposal that can be completed easily by your research staff and the sponsoring manager. Discuss how your form improves communication of the research objectivebetween the manager and the researcher ?

2. What are the essential differences among nominal ,ordinal, internal and ratio scales. How do these differences affect the statistical analysis techniques we can use?

3. Make a list of the major presentation problems of the student written research reports and student oral research

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Reference no: EM13558371

Questions Cloud

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Estimate the volume of water in the worlds oceans : Estimate the volume of water in the world's oceans in cu km, assuming a mean depth of water of 4 km. How deep would the water be were it stored entirely as ice on the continents?
Explain the diluted solution contains 3.45g of ki : To what volume should you dilute 59.5ml of a 4.95M KI solution so that 26.0ml of the diluted solution contains 3.45g of KI
Discuss how your form improves communication : What are the essential differences among nominal ,ordinal, internal and ratio scales. How do these differences affect the statistical analysis techniques we can use?
How much power does the motor dissipate : A 12V battery is conected to an electricstarter motor. The current through the motor is 223A. How much power does the motor dissipate
Explain what would have been the ph of the buffer : You made a pH 10 buffer by combining 142 mL of 28% NH4OH with 17.5 g NH4Cl. What would have been the pH of the buffer if you had used twice the amount of NH4Cl
Estimate the final kinetic energy of the alpha particle : An alpha particle (helium nucleus, charge +2e) starts fromrest and travels a distance of 3.0 cmunder the influence of a uniform electric field of magnitude10.0 kV/m. What is the final kinetic energy of the alpha particle
Explain a weighed sample of potassium acid phtalate : You will standardize the NaOH solution by titrating a weighed sample of potassium acid phtalate, KHC8H4O4 (MM=204.32g/mol). Calculate the mass that will require 20mL of base of the above calculated concentration.


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