Reference no: EM133354300
Operations Management
Choose a local or international organisation with which you are familiar. All of your answers must be based on this organisation. You must be able to easily obtain the required background information to enable you to respond to the Tasks. In answering the Tasks, you should assume the role of an experienced consultant hired by the Board.
You must provide a one-page summary of background information on your chosen organisation (250 words). This must include:
• Name of the organisation
• Size of organisation
• Main markets where it operates (geographical locations)
• Examples of products and services
• Key competitors
• Main customer segments
In addition to the above, you can include any other information which might be useful for the marker to understand the context of your answers. Your organisation summary is not included in the overall word count.
Task 1 According to Slack, Chambers and Johnston (2010: 39), successful day-to-day operations management involves achievement of ‘five basic performance objectives'. These objectives are: quality, speed, dependability, flexibility and cost. Analyse each of these performance objectives, and any trade-offs that exist between them for your chosen organisation.
Task 2 Discuss how your chosen organisation might benefit from mapping its supply chain.
Task 3 Discuss whether your chosen organisation should enhance its procurement competence. Use theory and consider the industry in which your organisation operates within your discussion.
Task 4 According to Ross (2015: 619) "Warehousing is NO longer setting up storage racks, purchasing some material handling equipment, and hiring staff." Discuss the strategic importance of warehousing for your chosen organisation.