Discuss how you would approach nutrition

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM131846491

Topic: Nutrition, Exercise, Stress Management: Clinical Prevention Intervention and Evaluation.

Read the required reading.

You have a client from a vulnerable population, such as an economically disadvantaged and older adult, who needs to begin lifestyle changes with nutrition, exercise and stress management modifications.

Discuss how you would approach nutrition, exercise and / or stress management counseling. Address food aid programs that would be appropriate for referral.

What exercise recommendations would be appropriate for your client/s.

Comment on stress management factors that may need addressed with your choice of the vulnerable population. important note: total of references which includes Edelman, Kudzman and Mandle from Health promotion

Attachment:- Reading.rar

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The present solution is based on concept of nutrition, physical activity and stress management for a vulnerable and elderly client. The solution contain the requisite facts and factors that are mentioned in the reference literature. The references used for the preparation of solution are given in APA format and in total, it comprises of more than 450 words.

Reference no: EM131846491

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3/29/2018 5:00:52 AM

I am assured the text book will be used as one of the references. We will use the text book for sure. Just i request you to provide the required chapters answer. How can i provide the chapters, that is a lot of pages. you also use ebooks. Check if you have PDF or online access to book. Also send us the book details - Name and author we will try to find it online. please the reference is old a least one year. this is a graduate discussion post ONLY ONE REFERENCE IS OLD, WHICH IS THE BOOK MENTIONED BY ME. the book i mentioned is health promotion throughout life span 8th edition this year by Edelman,kudzma and mandle. This book of 2014 was not shown in the google scholar. Please also write the references.

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