Reference no: EM131197938
Business leadership plan:Nails Salon
In this assignment, you will demonstrate your knowledge of leadership theories as well as professional practice.
This paper will be 5-7 pages in length, not including cover pages and Reference page (at least 5-7 scholarly references).
Assignment Components:
1-Introduction and Problem Statement: This part provides the background for your leadership plan. It will contain information from the literature that best describes the general situation or problem you will address at your institution. Briefly describe your work setting or a work setting with which you are familiar. Provide an analysis of your organization against the background of leadership theories and practices presented in the text. Focus on the leadership theories you have studies and describe how your organization fits into one of more models.
2-Mission of the Professional Development Plan: Describe the mission of the plan you propose to create and how it will impact your organization.
3-Leadership Development Plan, Goals and Outcomes: Describe the goals and/or outcomes that you expect to achieve. Reference leadership theories and models.
4-Leadership Development Activities: Provide details of your plan and discuss how it relates to the theories and models presented in the text. Take into consideration the role of the leader; leadership skills and strategies the leader will employ; relationship to others involved in the plan; resources needed to implement the plan; specific activities, etc.
5-Assessment: Discuss how you plan to evaluate the success of your plan. How do you plan on evaluating your plan? What process and/or instrument will be used? Who will evaluate your plan?
6-Summary/Reflection: Discuss the overall feasibility of the study; what did you experience (personally, professionally, etc.) as you developed the plan; feelings regarding significance of the plan, etc.
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