Discuss how you can develop each skill

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Reference no: EM133731314

Question: For your paper, you will create a fictional character for a movie. The character should be in a management position. Your paper should utilize appropriate course material (and material from your research).

Ensure you address the following topics in your paper:
Describe the personality of your character (this is to help the reader understand the challenges your leader faces).
How did your character develop their management traits?
Identify three management traits the leader possesses, and explain why they are necessary for a successful manager.
Discuss how you can develop each skill or trait in your own life. Training, education, experience, etc. - but be specific (if you create goals, they should be SMART).
What are the possible disadvantages of having these traits?
How have you seen the selected traits utilized effectively in your own experiences in life?
How can you market the traits (for this, I would like to see resume bullets for each of the traits)? Put yourself in your character's shoes, as if they were writing a resume.
How do you relate to your character? Could you be managed by him/her/it?

Reference no: EM133731314

Questions Cloud

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