Discuss how widespread the innovation reached

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133424372


Some interventions throughout modern history stand out as especially important. Your task is to select the one that has had the most impact on public health and explain why your choice is really the biggest. I chose vaccines, or you can choose one.

As you answer the "why" question, consider how widespread the innovation reached, the forward leap it was for mankind, and the foundation it laid for further progress.

Can you please provide a reference.

Reference no: EM133424372

Questions Cloud

Benefits of a harm reduction philosophy in society : Write three paragraphs discussing three major benefits of a harm reduction philosophy in society.
Describe the battering cycle : Describe the battering cycle? What are the different aspects of child abuse accommodation syndrome?
Role of parent subtitute during school : Why would early childhood teacher struggle with taking on the role of parent subtitute during school.
Discuss the importance of pro-social behavior : Discuss the importance of pro-social behavior and altruism in your society or cultural tradition.
Discuss how widespread the innovation reached : "Why" question, consider how widespread the innovation reached, the forward leap it was for mankind, and the foundation it laid for further progress.
What is a public health alternative to moral criminal : The HARM REDUCTION approach suggests that a controlled use of substances "is a public health alternative to moral/criminal.
Discuss the belmont reports three research ethics principles : Consider the Belmont report's three research ethics principles (respect for persons, beneficence and justice).
Discuss the role of the existential group leader : Discuss the role of the existential group leader. How does this role fit for you?
What is the strength and weakness of one play theory : Explain one play theory it could be either one of these relaxation theory, pre-exercise theory, psychoanalytic theory, play as arousal seeking.


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