Discuss how voip may impact the network performance

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM132654074

This assignment enables you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of computer networks. You are required to produce a substantial document that totals 3000 words. Consequently, you are advised to start work on the assignment at an early stage during the unit.

Some aspects of this assignment will require you to research real components that are currently available in the marketplace. Furthermore, you will also be asked to make judgements about what is best for a particular scenario. Please note that there is not always one right answer. However, you will need to justify your reasons for any choices you make to get high marks.

You are NOT required to design a complete network. You are required to detail the specifics covered by the task list shown below.

Choosing an appropriate industry

Step 1: Select an industry, for example; fashion retail, food retail, IT, hospitality, heath, education, leisure and tourism, automotive, construction, logistics, banking etc. in which you are interested that uses at least TWO (2) of the following technologies/communication tools: ecommerce, public wireless network, mobile payment system, VOIP, cloud computing.
Step 2: Outline your assumptions about the computer networking required by a typical organisation in your chosen industry and decide what the key components of their infrastructure are likely to be, what protocols they use, what communication methods they utilise and what system security features they need. For example, server upgrades, hardware upgrades, encryption, firewalls, SSL etc.

To demonstrate your understanding of computer networking in the real world. You are to produce a report broken down into the following SIX (6) tasks:

Task 1 Overview
a) Give a brief written overview of your chosen organisation. You should include an outline of the context in which they operate. For example, a construction company would operate in an environment in competition with other construction companies.

b) Discuss the purpose of their networking requirements and what means of communication they are likely to use. In addition, you should identify and explain SIX (6) protocols that will be used and identify which layer they operate at within the OSI model, and explain the purpose of each identified layer.

c) Assess and discuss the need for wireless communication in the organisation identifying which Wireless standards would be required.

• You should outline the scope of wireless communication and where it could be used.
• Clearly justify the need for its use and why you have chosen the specific Wireless standard
• Analyse the impact of using it with regards to security.
• If in your assessment you decide that wireless communication is not necessary, you should justify why it would not be required and outline the benefits of not using it.

d) The organisation may need to use VOIP as part of their communication.

• Explain what VOIP is and how you could incorporate VOIP into the system
• Identify the components you would need and actions you'd need to take to get it to work.
• Discuss how VOIP may impact the network performance.

This task requires around 1000 words.

Task 2 Network Layout

a) Explain what is meant by the term ‘Network Topology'.
b) Explain how the Mesh and Star topologies are connected.
c) State FOUR (4) benefits of using a switch instead of a hub within a Star topology This task requires around 400 words.

Task 3 Security
a) Discuss the security threats that the organisation is likely to face. Identify and explain at least SIX (6) threats. Explain what potential damage each could cause.

b) A key means of protection will be the use of one or more Firewall(s). Discuss the type(s) of Firewall(s) available, and justify which one(s) would be the most appropriate to protect the organisation against threats you have identified.

c) Explain the FIVE (5) elements of the planning and implementation lifecycle (Plan, Configure, Test, Deploy, Manage) in regard to the Firewalls you identified.

This task requires around 600 words.

Task 4 Network Diagram

a) Draw a logical network diagram (topology) that shows the main components of the network. Make sure you clearly identify each component.

b) Allocate suitable IP addresses and add them in the diagram. You should ensure you include the subnet mask and identify those that need providing by the ISP. Justify why you have selected these IP addresses/ subnet masks and explain how each device receives its IP address/mask.

c) Explain why you have chosen the particular hardware components and why you have connected them together in that way. Ensure you justify the types of cabling and how it would be physically configured.

d) Give local prices and specification of suitable hardware/ software you recommend.

This task requires around 400 words.

Task 5 Network Operating Systems

To manage the network, Network Operating Systems (NOS) are required.

a) Explain the general functions of a NOS.

b) Discuss what needs to be considered when choosing a NOS for a network.

c) Assess what network services will be required. Recommend and justify a NOS that would meet the needs of the network.

This task requires around 400 words.

Task 6 Concluding recommendations

Based on your recommendations for the network requirements of your chosen organisation include a summary of;

• The overall hardware requirements and estimated cost
• Any additional requirements identified including justification This task requires around 200 words.

Attachment:- Computer Networks.rar

Reference no: EM132654074

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