Discuss how various political entities have attempted

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Reference no: EM133623887

1- Think about the concept of the Overton Window. Focusing on one area of human sexuality and gender that has been politicized (eg transgender bathroom debate, marriage equality, etc.), discuss how various political entities have attempted to shift public discourse about the subject. What tactics were utilized? Were they successful? How has public discourse changed regarding that topic as a result?

2- Do you think non-political entities engage in propaganda? If so, what role do they play in that? If not, why not? In what ways could a celebrity or influencer change public discourse on a topic? Do you think this is a strategy that could be utilized by politicians? Can you think of any instances where this has happened? If so, what was the outcome? If not, what scenarios do you think could be possible in the future?

Reference no: EM133623887

Questions Cloud

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What does this best reflect : despite knowing this, he treats them with respect so that they can acknowledge what they've done and grow. What does this best reflect?
Discuss how various political entities have attempted : Discuss how various political entities have attempted to shift public discourse about the subject. What tactics were utilized? Were they successful
Create an example of how you would go : Create an example of how you would go about using one of these methods to alter Peter's aggressive behavior.
What challenges will you encounter during group work : Using your knowledge of the psychological theories and concepts we learned in the second half of the course only, what challenges will you encounter during
Intervention you learned about regarding group : Discuss one concept/intervention you learned about regarding Group and/or Family Interventions and discuss how you could use that concept/intervention
What is the best definition of the term maintenance : What is the best definition of the term maintenance when discussing intervention? What is the best definition of the term "maintenance"


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