Discuss how using arrays changes the way

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13853938

Strings and Arrays

>>Design the solution.

Use 2 arrays: one for the products, and one for the quantities.

Use loops to assign values to the arrays.

Use loops to read and print values from the arrays.

Reuse the functions that you developed in Week 2 and the customer class that you developed in Week 3. Changes can be done as needed.

>>By the end of Week 4, your application should work as follows:

Ask the customer to enter his or her details (e.g., name, address).

Print a welcome message that includes the customer's name.

Provide a list of available products with descriptions.

Ask the customer to select products and quantities.

Save the provided details in arrays.

Read from the arrays to print the order summary; that is, the products, quantities, and the total price for each product.

Calculate and print the total price for the order.

Add comments to your code.

>>The Documentation

Update the project document with a new date and project name.

Update the previously completed sections based on instructor feedback.

New content: Strings and Arrays

Summarize the changes that you implemented.

Question- Discuss how using arrays changes the way that your code is organized.

Reference no: EM13853938

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