Discuss how to conduct an information assurance audit

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM133814913

Problem: Control Structures- Auditing

Information Assurance audit plans involve planning and a structured approach. The Information Assurance audit plan will identify the most meaningful areas, events, and activities within an organization, critical to firm performance, to be audited.

For this Case problem, read the articles listed as required in the Background page about the auditing process. Get the instant assignment help.

When you've read the required articles and conducted additional research on the optional readings and other readings you find interesting, compose a 4 to 5 pages (not counting the cover and references) paper on the topic:

Discuss how to conduct an Information Assurance Audit using the NIST Security Framework, demonstrating how COBIT is used in the audit. In this Case context, you are a consultant and you have been asked to develop the information security incident response plan for the Raising Dough Baking Company (fictitious company), a statewide business that employees over three hundred people. Raising Dough collects online orders from homes and small businesses and delivers its products via a company-owned fleet of trucks (think Amazon on a small scale).

The company does not currently have a security incident response plan. Discuss how to develop such a plan using the principles of NIST Security Framework. Explain how this process will be audited. Show how your Incident Response Plan and Audit Plan will respond to incidents using the NIST Security Framework.

Reference no: EM133814913

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