Discuss how the values and principles underlying services

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM132311019 , Length: word count:1800

Task Description

Drawing on relevant items from the required weekly reading program for this unit, the resources detailed below in the questions and further research, you will undertake an analysis of a current topical health care issue in Australia following the detailed steps below.

You must examine the issue with reference to the principles of person-centered care, cultural safety, and professional codes relevant to regulatory requirements.

The assignment includes an analysis of the impact of socio-political issues on health and of consumers' experience of health services by considering the impact of dominant values, assumptions and processes shaping health care in Australia.

Learning outcomes assessed

1. Apply knowledge of regulatory requirements and ethical and practice standards that underpin the nursing profession, and explain how they relate to the provision of person-centred care.

2. Apply knowledge of historical, social, and political issues to explain the socio-political context of healthcare and the impact of these structures on human health and consumer experiences of health systems.

3. Identify and analyse the dominant values, assumptions, and processes that shape health systems, care delivery models, and nursing practice in Australia.

Task detailed instructions

Read the Criterion Reference Assessment sheet for this task.



To prepare for writing your introduction undertake research by following this link to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare to get a beginning understanding of the topic chosen. Undertake further research by accessing the QUT Library Catalogue.


Write an introduction for your essay based on your reading and research overviewing the health issue you have chosen. You will briefly describe:
- The issue and the proportion of the population affected
- Whether it affects some parts of the population more than others [e.g. based on class, gender, cultural identity, citizenship]
- Whether the issue is more prevalent in some locations compared to others.
- Finish with an overview of the rest of the essay.

2. BODY OF THE ESSAY (1500 words total +/- 10%) BUT please note the words allocated to each of the sections below and stick to them.


To prepare for writing this part of the body of your essay, gain an understanding of Australian Health Services in the Australian Health Care System by looking at the following** report by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2016). Australia's Health 2016.

Undertake further research on your topic using library data bases or government health services' website documents.


Choose 1 of the major types of health care delivery [e.g. health promotion and disease prevention; primary care and community services; secondary and tertiary services; long-term and continuing care) available in Australia.

Clearly identify which you have chosen and then explain the assumptions about people and their wellness/illness which underpin that type of health care delivery.

[use the heading dementia/ageing or mental health according to which topic you chose at the beginning]

Undertake research using library data bases or government health services' website documents on the services available for the health issue you have chosen.

Review the unit's required readings to revise the principles of cultural safety and of person-centred covered in this unit's lectures, tutorials and readings.

In one sentence, identify two [2] types of health care in the Australian HCS offered to those experiencing the issue you have chosen being sure to cite your evidence.

Then identify the values underlying the two [2] types of health care you have chosen and discuss how the values and principles underlying these services in the Australian health care system support and/or could present barriers to cultural safety and person- centred care in nursing practice.

Based on your research and citing evidence, describe and discuss how poverty impacts on those living with the health care issue you chose.


Nursing in Australia is underpinned by cultural safety and person- centred care [CS and PCC] as in the Code of conduct for nurses [NMBA 2018) and Code of Ethics (ICN 2012). Re-read these documents.

Read the 2017 National Standards for Quality in Health Services section on ‘partnering with consumers'.

Complete further research for the task using one the following search strategies [use the one related to the health issue you chose above] using the QUT Library catalogue Quick Search
Australia + racism + health + care Age + discrimination + health + care
Mental + discrimination + health + care

Consider your findings on consumer experiences of discrimination in health care [discrimination includes racism, ageism, sexism and other gender issues]. You can keep the focus on the issue you chose at the beginning or you can approach consumer experiences of discrimination more generally.

Based on your findings write an analysis of how the material you found on discrimination fits and/or does not fit with relevant aspects of the following three [3] items:
• National Safety and Quality Health Service Standard 2: Partnering with Consumers
• Code of conduct for nurses - 3.2 Culturally safe and respectful practice [NMBA 2018 p. 8)
• The Code of Ethics (ICN 2012)
Relevant aspects of these three [3] documents and items from your search, MUST to be included in your answer and be cited properly as always.

3. Write a conclusion to your essay (150 words +/- 10%)

Write a brief conclusion which summarises the main points in your essay.

Presentation requirements: This assessment task must:
• Have a cover sheet as the first page of your document with the assessment title, your name, student number, tutor name and total word count
• Include a ‘footer' on each page with your name, student number, unit code and page number
• Use 3 cm margins on all sides, double-spaced text
• Times new roman, font size 12
• Be written in third person
• Be written as an essay using full sentences [no dot points]
• be submitted in electronic format via Turnitin

Word Counts

• word counts include everything in the body of the assessment (including citations, quotes) and exclude the reference list, provided headings
• enter your word count AFTER EACH STEP
• enter an in-text citation for all items used
• you must read and refer to material from your required reading program and from extra research i.e. from text books, any other set readings, research articles
• materials from government and reputable non-government organisations' websites are acceptable
• reference to lecture notes are not acceptable-these are to guide you towards further study and research
• un-authored and undated internet sources are not acceptable e.g. Wikipedia is NOT acceptable
• your essay is not evaluated on the number of sources used [no number is specified] but on how well you answer the set task as assessed using the CRA at the end of this document
• you must provide a full reference list, properly formatted in APA style, on a separate page at the end of the assessment of all items
used within the paper

Attachment:- Professional Practice and Cultural Safety.rar

Reference no: EM132311019

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5/24/2019 12:34:31 AM

Communicates in writing incorporating expected information literacy standards Weighting: 20% • Maintained appropriate standards of academic integrity • Met the presentation requirements • Consistently used professional non- discriminatory language • Consistently and accurately cited sources and applied QUT APA style of referencing • Expressed your ideas clearly, concisely and fluently with correct spelling and grammar kept to word limit • Maintained appropriate standards of academic integrity • Met, for the most part, the presentation requirements • Almost always used professional non- discriminatory language • Almost always cited sources correctly applied QUT APA style of referencing • Expressed your ideas concisely and fluently with correct spelling and grammar kept to word limit


5/24/2019 12:34:22 AM

Critical analysis Weighting: 25% LO: 4 Conducted an in-depth socio-political analysis of health and healthcare and consumer experiences of health issues and systems, genuinely based on extensive use of required readings and further research Identification and analysis of values, assumptions, and processes shaping Identified and analyzed many of the major dominant values, assumptions, and


5/24/2019 12:34:15 AM

Criteria-100% total 7 Application of knowledge Weighting: 30% LO: 1 In your assessment you: I Applied in detail knowledge of Code of conduct for nurses and The Code of Ethics which underpin the nursing profession, and demonstrated mastery of how they relate to the provision of culturally safe person-centred care genuinely drawing on required readings and further research


5/24/2019 12:34:04 AM

Referencing • enter an in-text citation for all items used • you must read and refer to material from your required reading program and from extra research i.e. from text books, any other set readings, research articles • materials from government and reputable non-government organisations’ websites are acceptable • reference to lecture notes are not acceptable-these are to guide you towards further study and research • un-authored and undated internet sources are not acceptable e.g. Wikipedia is NOT acceptable


5/24/2019 12:33:55 AM

This assessment task must: • Have a cover sheet as the first page of your document with the assessment title, your name, student number, tutor name and total word count • Include a ‘footer’ on each page with your name, student number, unit code and page number • Use 3 cm margins on all sides, double-spaced text • Times new roman, font size 12 • Be written in third person • Be written as an essay using full sentences [no dot points]

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