Reference no: EM133765410 , Length: word count:1000
Data, Metrics, Reporting and Analytics
Assessment information
Assessment 1 - Essay based on scholarly articles/books
The purpose of this assignment is for students to link academic research findings to real-world business cases. Students are required to search for a relevant case online and critically analyse the key issues of the case, discuss how scholars address these issues in HR analytics literature, and identify the strengths and weaknesses of these scholarly findings. Research gaps and future directions should also be proposed.
You should choose from the following topics for your assignment:
Topic 1: Role of HR analytics in aligning HRM to an organisation's strategic goals
Topic 2: Knowledge and skills of HR data, metrics, and analytics are essential for today's HR professionals
These are very broad topics. You can focus on a certain aspect of the topic. Do some research online to find a case from a real-world organisation that is relevant to this Unit, and use it as the basis for your discussion. Analyse the case and explain:
What happened? How did the firm apply HR analytics in support of organisational strategies or how did HR professionals in the firm leverage HR data, metrics, and analytic knowledge and skills in improving HR service quality and functionality?
Critically analyse: What are the key issues in HR analytics identified in the case? How does HR analytics integrate with strategic goals or HR operations in an organisation? what are the potential drawbacks or limitations of using HR analytics?
How did scholars address these issues in HR analytics literature? What are the strengths and weaknesses of these scholarly findings? How can these findings be applied to organisational context?
Moving forward, what are missing from current research, how can this research area be further developed, and why future studies along this direction is critical?
Word length - 1,000 words (plus or minus 10%). The word count should not include cover page, reference list and appendix (if any). The word count needs to be identified on the front cover of the assignment.
Factors in under delegation of tasks
: The professional judgement of the nurse often factors in under delegation of tasks to UAP. An example is the routine assessment of fingerstick
Describe the process of delegation
: As a future nursing leader, how would you best describe the process of delegation (in a practical application)
Relevant information pertinent to the conflict
: Description that includes the student's disability, current services, and any relevant information pertinent to the conflict
Write a paragraph synthesizing the information
: The Matrix Method is an organizational system. Write paragraph synthesizing the information. Remember, this is in preparation for writing the literature review.
Discuss how scholars address these issues in hr analytics
: Data, Metrics, Reporting and Analytics - discuss how scholars address these issues in HR analytics literature, and identify the strengths and weaknesses
Describe potential change theories and leadership strategies
: Describe potential change theories and leadership strategies that could inform an interdisciplinary solution to an organizational issue.
Describe the cultural practice and why it is important
: Research and describe a cultural practice. Describe the cultural practice and why it is important in this particular culture.
Identify what community psychology involves
: Provide a definition for the term community psychology. Identify what community psychology involves. Explain the benefits of community psychology.
Apply evidence-based practice in healthcare
: Critical thinking, analysis skills, and the ability to apply evidence-based practice in healthcare are a necessity tot the provision of safe, high-quality