Discuss how organ is intricately connected to any of topics

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Reference no: EM133506949

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Congratulations on successfully finishing the last of the A&P series! Over the course of the last eight weeks we've discussed the anatomy and physiology of the Digestive, Urinary, and Reproductive systems. We also discussed nutrition, metabolism, human development, and genetics. And since we began our study of the human body in BIOS251, we have continuously referred to a unifying theme in Anatomy and Physiology; that is, the relationship between structure and function. The idea that "form follows function" has been the foundation of our understanding of the human body and how it sustains life. This common thread throughout the A&P series allows us to look at the "big picture".

If you remember from BIOS251, one of the fundamental principles of Anatomy and Physiology is the interdependence of all body systems and how the proper function of one system is intimately tied to the proper function of other organ systems, and ultimately the overall homeostasis of the human body.

For the discussion of BIOS256, I would like you to go back in time. Think back to previous sessions and consider the various organs and organ systems that were discussed in BIOS251, BIOS252, and BIOS255. Choose one of the following organs or organ systems:

1. Integumentary system
2. Skeletal system
3. Joints
4. Muscular system
5. Nervous system
6. Special senses
7. Endocrine system
8. Blood and hemodynamics
9. Cardiovascular system
10. Immune system
11. Respiratory system

After you have chosen one of the above organs or organ systems, discuss how it is intricately connected to any of the major topics that were covered this session in BIOS256. How are these systems integrated? How do they work together to contribute to the overall homeostasis of the human body?

For example we discussed the digestive system, and the importance of intrinsic factor to red blood cell production. One approach would be to discuss the connection between dietary absorption of intrinsic factor, its relationship to vitamin B12, and the maintenance of a healthy hematocrit.

Reference no: EM133506949

Questions Cloud

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