Discuss how internet telephony has impacted your life

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Reference no: EM131038312


Discuss how Internet Telephony (VoIP) has impacted your life and your views of any social, ethical, and political issues involved in the application of this technology.


1) Good writing will be graded equally as content.

2) The paper must be at least 2-page long (double space, 600 words).

3) Please list all of your references.

4) It's alright to quote sources of information but simple cutting/pasting of large chunks of texts (online or offline) may be considered as plagiarism.

Reference no: EM131038312

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Model of homogeneous association : Refer to the previous two exercises. PROC GENMOD in SAS reports the maximized log likelihood as 3475.19 for the model of mutual independence (df = 11), 3538.05 for the model of homogeneous association (df = 5), and 3539.58 for the model containing..
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Discuss how internet telephony has impacted your life : Discuss how Internet Telephony (VoIP) has impacted your life and your views of any social, ethical, and political issues involved in the application of this technology.
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