Discuss how findings and conclusions of the article impact

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133567794


Part I

The purpose of this homework is to practice an important aspect of the writing process: to synthesize the information from a scholarly article and draw meaningful connections to future implications.

First, select an industry with which you are familiar and in which you intended to have your future career, such as health care, marketing, retail, technology, etc. Consider an organization or position you might be interested in. The industry you select in this homework will be the focus for the remaining writing homeworks in this course.

Once you have made your selection, refer to the article "How Do Consumers Reconcile Positive and Negative CSR-Related Information to Form an Ethical Brand Perception? A Mixed Method Inquiry" as well as the guidelines for writing, located in the topic Resources. Then address the prompts below in a 750 to 1,000 words paper:

1) Summarize the article including paraphrasing the article, the research problem, questions, method, findings, and conclusions discussed by the authors.

2) Discuss how the findings and conclusions of this article would impact the industry or organization you have identified for your future career.

Part II

The purpose of this homework is to conduct graduate level academic research on an industry of choice.

In the Article Review homework in this topic, you selected an industry that you plan to focus on for your future career. In this homework you will identify scholarly resources that will help you prepare for the Topic Concept Map and the Topic Three Pillars, Free Market Principles, and Future Impact homework. Review the directions in the 4 homework for details.

Using Google Scholar, the GCU Library, or another reputable site, identify industry-relevant scholarly sources that support the Colangelo College of Business three pillars concepts of servant leadership, ethics, and entrepreneurism, as well as free market principles. Refer to the topic Resources to determine what is considered a scholarly resource and for assistance with this homework.

Complete the "References List Worksheet," by accurately formatting the following nine references. These references should be formatted according to APA requirements within the chart and in the reference list below. Please be mindful of capitalization, italics, and punctuation. These references must all be from the past 5 years. Do not include topic Resources or Class Resources in your references. Include all of the following types of references:

1) Four peer-reviewed journal articles (include at least one article for each of the three pillars: servant leadership, ethics, and entrepreneurism and one for free market principles)

2) One book

3) One webpage

4) One dissertation/thesis from a database

5) One edited book chapter

Part III

The purpose of this homework is to conduct an essential aspect of the writing process, generate a concept map of scholarly sources, and formulate the foundation for a graduate-level paper.

Using the scholarly sources you collected in the Topic 2 References List homework, create a Concept Map. The goal of the concept map is to group sources according to their themes - servant leadership, ethics, entrepreneurism and free market principles - around the central focus which is the career or industry of choice. A sample template "Concept Map" has been provided; however, you are welcome to generate your own Concept Map as long as it meets expectations and maintains the intent of the homework. After you have identified the sources for each theme, briefly summarize (50-100 words) how each of these sources relate to the industry of choice. You will expand on these summaries in the Topic homework "Three Pillars, Free Market Principles, and Future Impact" as part of your final paper.

Reference no: EM133567794

Questions Cloud

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Discuss how findings and conclusions of the article impact : Discuss how the findings and conclusions of this article would impact the industry or organization you have identified for your future career.
Exposed to toxic chemicals through everyday : Discuss the use of chemicals in society today. Are we more exposed to toxic chemicals through everyday use or due to industrial pollution?
What are some specific reasons that minorities have lower : what are some specific reasons that minorities have lower life expectancies? How might we go about solving this social problems from the viewpoint of the three
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Write a Review

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