Discuss how established routine and cognitive dissonance

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133570992


1. Discuss how the established routine, cognitive dissonance and an agentic shift (i.e., release from responsibility) all worked together to lead to obedience in the Milgram study (basic paradigm). Discuss how each of these 3 factors could have, similarly, influenced the behaviors at Abu Ghraib.

2. Define and contrast technical and moral responsibility. According to Sabini & Silver, in what way did the people who helped keep the Holocaust running confuse these two ideas? Do you think something similar may have happened at Abu Ghraib?

3. Use reliable sources on the internet to investigate one of the following two conflicts, often called genocides: Darfur or Rwanda. Provide a very brief overview of the heart of the conflict (the aggressor, how long did/has it last(ed), etc.). Then describe one particular event from the conflict or one particular aspect of the conflict (e.g., the role of the military, the influence of tribal histories). Use what you have learned about social psychology and present two psychological reasons you think this kind of violence may have happened or been allowed to happen. In your application, be sure you: a) speak specifically about how the concept applies to the conflict; and, b) discuss how the two concepts may have worked together to create situational pressures leading to violence.

Reference no: EM133570992

Questions Cloud

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Discuss how established routine and cognitive dissonance : Discuss how the established routine, cognitive dissonance and an agentic shift all worked together to lead to obedience in the Milgram study
Stimulus-stimulus pairing in your environment : Consider your own reflexive or respondent behaviors that occur as a result of a previous stimulus-stimulus pairing in your environment.
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Explain the concept of zeitgeist : Go through the different elements that contribute to the zeitgeist and describe the zeitgeist of 2020.
Provide example of rule governed behavior : Provide an example of a rule governed behavior. Provide an example of a contingency shaped behavior


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