Reference no: EM132531993
For this project, you will need to identify an institution (family, education, economy, medical, corrections, military, sports, transportation, food, media, technology, religion, etc.) and provide a Functionalist and a Conflict Theory analysis of your institution in American society.
Assignment Requirements (Review)
You will need to conduct research on your specific institution, using a combination of 7-10 resources (e.g., books, newspaper articles, news magazine articles, sociological journals, internet sites, videos, DVD's, interviews, etc.). Failure to use a combination of resources results in grade reduction. Work cited must appear on a separate slide...
After you have conducted your research, you will analyze your information using the following questions as a guide:
Question 1: Discuss the history of your institution. How did it emerge? How did it come into existence?
Question 2: How do members of society perceive your institution?
Question 3: How do members of the institution perceive itself (its own institution)?
Question 4: How has the institution changed over time?
Question 5: What has caused various institutions to change?
Question 6: Discuss any stable features of the institution, that is, features that have not changed.
Question 7: As a way to better accommodate members of society, how would you improve your institution?
Question 8: Who are the major participants in the institution? What are their roles and statuses?
Question 9: Does your institution work better for some members of society (as opposed to others)?