Discuss how cultural diversity can affect the workplace

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131074737

Cultural diversity is defined as how each person's culture is different from others. Discuss how cultural diversity can affect the workplace. How does community diversity and generational diversity affect the workplace? What do you believe a culturally accepting workplace consists of?

Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:

1. Identify the roles of a preceptor.

2. Explain how to apply adult learning principles to orientation and training.

3. Demonstrate how to give constructive feedback.

4. Explain why critical thinking is important in the workplace.

5. Identify the three group interaction roles.

6. Discuss how culture affects the health care environment.

7. Identify the different generations that affect health care.

8. Identify the basic principles of ethical decision making.

Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

Required APA Format.

Reference no: EM131074737

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