Reference no: EM133093992
Part 1.
Discuss how the annotated bibliography and outline will help you achieve your goals in the research project. Might you be able to use any part(s) of these documents when drafting the research project? Be sure to be specific in your answer.
Part 2.
This is the initial session with a 26 year old white male that is referred to your office for assistance with homelessness. Client is angry, yells at you, and then calms down. Asks for something to eat. Reports he really does not need a place to stay, he will just go to his moms' house. He reports being in the military but vague on the branch of service. Clothes are a little worn, but clean. You detect a light odor of alcohol. You need to make some referrals. How will you document this session? Discuss three things you will write in your report explaining why they will be included. Include in your discuss any ethical consideration you think appropriate in this case.
Part 3.
In the real world of work, we encounter supervisors, co-workers, and customers who may be exhibiting one or more personality disorders. Lets imagine that you share an office with someone who is borderline. You feel like you need to walk on eggshells all the time around this person. The co-worker's name is Betty and she was diagnosed with a borderline personality disorder. Betty loves to cause conflicts with co-workers and supervisors. She manipulates daily office situations by causing problems purposely to start arguments amongst co-workers. Betty sometimes idealizes you as her office buddy and hates you the next day. Betty also loves to go out and party and drinks alcohol excessively. She comes to work disorganized and tired and leaves you to finish the job. Recently Betty told you she cuts herself with a razor to feel something and she had several unprotected sexual encounters. Betty has constant arguments with her boyfriend whom she hates and loves at the same time depending on the day.
As her office mate, you are bothered and disrupted by her explosive anger and moods. Betty also have no boundaries and crosses your comfort zone too often. You have no choice but to share an office with Betty and you also have to work with her on several projects.
How can you draw a clear boundary with Betty and what will you do so that there is stability in your office life?