Discuss how and to what extent the article informs public

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Reference no: EM131591120

This assignment requires you to critically analyze a newspaper article by Alan Cowell of the New York Times on the subject of crime, namely: " Oscar Pistorius Sentenced to 5 Years in Prison for Killing Girlfriend". The article can be found at the following internet link:

Also the following two issues must be covered while referencing this newspaper article:

1) How are the theoretical approaches to crime, as covered in class, represented in the article you selected? More specifically, reflect on how solutions to crime are depicted in the article by referencing criminological theories and concepts we have reviewed in class.

2) Discuss how and to what extent the article informs the public about the role of the criminal justice system in relation to policing and the courts.

Your paper should be no more than 10 pages double spaced in 12 point font. You should write a coherent structured essay with an introduction, body and conclusion and you must take a stand and then support your position. Papers will be assessed on three criteria: (1) the use of analytical skills by demonstrating how well you can apply criminological theories and principles of criminal law; (2) the integration of D2L materials by using these materials to develop a clear argument and by using these materials as evidence to support your positions via properly footnoted references and quotes; (3) writing skills, including a clear structure for the paper, proper grammar and spelling, and the use of precise language.

You are to rely on the materials from D2L and the assigned class textbook only. You should fully reference your ideas and materials you do use by way of footnotes and by ensuring the sources of ideas and quotes are noted in footnotes.

All that Glitters is not Gold; The False Promise of Victim Impact Statements by Rakhi Ruparelia

Confronting Restorative Justice in Neo-Liberal Times: Legal and Rape Narratives in Conditional Sentencing by Gillian Balfour and Janice Du Mont

A Feminist Remedy for Sexual Assault : A quest for answers by Constance Backhouse

Reference no: EM131591120

Questions Cloud

What is it about the family''s struggles keeps them together : Explain What is it about the family's struggles keeps them together? How is the relevant overall? Is this a topic that can be represented through films imagery?
Discuss united states actively employs the death penalty : explain the fact that the United 'States is one of the few nations in the world that actively employs the death penalty
Write a film analysis about the movie the hunting ground : Write a 2 pages film analysis about the movie The Hunting Ground (on Netflex). Demonstrate your comprehension about building an effective argument by first.
Discuss world trend away from capital punishment : There is a clear world trend away from capital punishment. What do you see as the most important reasons for this trend
Discuss how and to what extent the article informs public : Discuss how and to what extent the article informs the public about the role of the criminal justice system in relation to policing and the courts
Refractive index of water : Determine the speed of light in water given that the speed of light in air is 3.0 x 10^8 ms-1 and the refractive index of water is 1.33
Provide a summary of your advertisement : You will need to provide a summary of your Advertisement. In other words, describe in words the image(s) in your ad. This should be your first body paragraph.
Define criminal justice employees be held liable : Explain what kinds of actions, or lack of action, can criminal justice employees be held liable
Understanding a common injury in a sport : Your required to make informational brochure about an injury of your choice. This brochure should be informational and geared towards understanding a common.


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