Discuss fully personal privacy and social media

Assignment Help Marketing Management
Reference no: EM133632435

Discussion Post

Discuss fully personal privacy and social media? What are some of the positive and potentially negative effects of organizations using personal social data about customers and employees?

Use at least two academically reviewed journal articles as research for your response posting can end with a "tag-line" or a related question of your own.

Reference no: EM133632435

Questions Cloud

About the unique nature of occupations : How would you communicate to colleagues to educate them about the unique nature of occupations
How is that campaign expected to improve ticket sales : What box office sales should the company predict? How is that campaign expected to improve ticket sales?
Discuss the universal declaration of human rights : Consider the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Bill of Rights or other human rights documents.
Role of world policeman in the 1990s : To what degree did the United States play the role of "world policeman" in the 1990s? What dynamics have increasingly forced United States to assume this role?
Discuss fully personal privacy and social media : Discuss fully personal privacy and social media? What are some of the positive and potentially negative effects of organizations using personal social data?
Should the us government make restitution to us citizens : Should the US government make restitution to US citizens whose parents or grandparents were disadvantaged by racially discriminatory laws and public policies?
Why should the us army be used as a peacekeeping : Why should the U.S. Army be used as a peacekeeping or nation building force? Discuss some positive and negative aspects of such missions.
Identify the key customer considerations : Identify the key customer considerations and identify how DISNEY PLUS creates value for their segments.
Data and analysis in your overall teaching practice : Consider your selected grade level and explain the importance of using assessment data and analysis in your overall teaching practice.


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