Discuss four ways to attract young invincibles

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Reference no: EM131401972


In this day and time, when it comes to young adults, they need health insurance but they think that it is a negative thing. They believe that other things come before health insurance and that it is too expensive. They do not think that it is a debt that is not needed. They also believe that it is something that only older people need and that they can handle not having it. It costs more not to have health insurance that to have it.

There are four incentives that could be used to persuade a young adult into or even try to get them to engage into buying health insurance. The first would be to find an insurance company that makes the young person to feel like they come first and that they are important. The next would be that they need to find an insurance company that treats them as an individual and not like their health is the same as everyone else's.

Another would be that the insurance company gets creative so it makes it somewhat easier for the young person fees that they need to buy the health insurance. For example, YouTube. Finally, the fourth includes making the price to where the insurance is affordable. By explaining to the young person that by buying insurance then it would be saving money in the long run (Brown, 2014).


Brown, J. (2014). 4 Ways to Attract Young Invincibles. Retrieved from


Reference no: EM131401972

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