2/26/2018 5:19:04 AM
You are required to research and write a well-documented account that provides a foundation to create a better understanding of other racial, ethnic, or religious groups preferably a group from the United States (or an ethnicity that is different from your own). Select three (3) ethnic groups you would like to learn more about. These groups include, but are not limited to, the following: Native Americans (note: the U.S. Census bureau uses the term American Indian) African Americans Jewish Americans Muslim Americans Latino/Hispanic Americans (please select one: Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, atemalan American, etc.) Asian Americans (please select one: Japanese, Chinese, Filipino, Korean, Vietnamese, Indian, etc.) Arab Americans (please select one: Lebanese, Chaldean, Syrian, Palestinian, Iraqi, etc.) Pacific Islander Americans (please select one: Samoan, Tongans, Polynesians, etc.) Bi-racial/multi-racial
2/26/2018 5:18:55 AM
Select three (3) from the following: ethnicity/nationality, gender, age, sexual orientation, physical ability, health/mental health, socioeconomic status, religion, or appearance. You must obtain formal approval from your instructor before you can continue. This is an audio project that must be completed as narrated PowerPoint presentation, a Screencast-o-matic, YouTube video, or Vimeo, etc. Click on the following link for further Narrated PowerPoint Directions. Cultural Report Assessment (Interview) in Module 8 For your Cultural Report you will need to complete an interview with someone of a different culture. You must identify your person to interview by Module 3. Please click on the following link to see the Cultural Report Interview Form for the interviewee. You will need to get their permission, which should be submitted with your complete report that will be due in Module 8.
2/26/2018 5:16:51 AM
For this assignment, you will create a visual presentation like a S’more or another type of infographic that includes content, visual images and references. Click on the following link to see the directions on the Smore Website Registration Instructions. This will be a brief cultural analysis that will highlight the political systems, family structures, educational aspects, criminal history, and gross national product and how leisure time is spent in this culture. Virtual Tour in Module 6 You will create a 10-minute virtual tour of a cultural museum that teaches your audience about a particular culture. The museum that you select must be within the United States. For example, The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Art Institute of Chicago, Ellis Island, Charles H. Wright African American Museum, etc. You will select at least three (3) museums/cultural centres and your instructor will approve your topic. Diversity orkshop in Module 7 Your first task is to select an area of cultural diversity to study.
2/26/2018 5:14:07 AM
Select Your Topics in Module 1 Cultural Diversity SOC 3210 has several major projects to help keep you on task. First, you must select your area of interest. The instructor must approve all topic selections. Complete the chart and submit by the end of Module 1. Click on the following link to access the Selection Chart. Complete the chart and submit by the end of Module 1. For each assignment: Religion/Holiday Assignment Part 2: Religions, Cultural Diversity Analysis, Virtual Tour, Diversity Workshop, & Cultural Report Assessment Religion – Holiday Assignment Part 2: RELIGIONS Module 3 Assignment: Select three (3) of the following religions: Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, Taoism, Shinto, Baha’i, Jainism, Sikhism, Zorastrianism, or Paganism. However, you may not choose a religion in which you practice, and your instructor must approve your choice. Cultural Diversity Analysis in Module 5 You will identify a country of interest; you will submit at least three (3) countries and your instructor will approve your topic.