Discuss five time management strategies

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13832435

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is for you to assess how you manage your time.

Write an essay about your time management skills. You must discuss the following topics in the following order: Discuss five (5) of the following activities you participate in that take up your time: attending classes, studying, attending campus events, working, eating, sleeping, doing laundry, cleaning your room, traveling, working out, socializing, grooming, watching television, playing video games, surfing the Internet, emailing, social networking, talking on the phone, hanging out with friends, etc.. Approximately how much time do you spend on each activity each day? Do you think the time you spend on each activity is too much, too little, or just about right? If you could cut down on the time you spend on one of these activities, which one would it be? Why?

Discuss your ability to manage your time this semester: explain why you have been or have not been successful in this area (give at least three reasons).

Discuss five time management strategies (with explanations) discussed in class. Do you use any of these strategies? Why or why not?

Discuss what has surprised you that you have spent a lot of time on or too little time on (at least two activities) so far this semester.

Discuss what steps you would recommend to students who are having difficulty managing their time (at least three steps).

Reference no: EM13832435

Questions Cloud

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Discuss five time management strategies : Discuss five time management strategies (with explanations) discussed in class. Do you use any of these strategies. Why or why not. Discuss what has surprised you that you have spent a lot of time on or too little time on (at least two activities)..
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