Discuss five different types of allopathic medicine

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Reference no: EM133488621

Problem I. Discuss the differences between nurses, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants.

Problem II. Allopathic medicine is mainstream medicine. Discuss five different types of allopathic medicine. Which types of practitioners do you use?

Problem III. What are benefits and potential side effects of three over-the-counter drugs that you use or might use in the future?

Problem IV. Discuss the practices of traditional Chinese medicine. Describe three alternative medical systems. Do you believe that these practices help? Would you use these type of practices if needed?

Problem V. Discuss two types of body-based practices. Do you believe that these techniques can heal the body or that they simply provide temporary relief of symptoms?

Problem VI. Energy medicine is becoming a common practice for many people to use in order to heal the body. Acupuncture and acupressure are both energy-based practices. What do these two types of treatments involve, and how do they differ?

Problem VII. Discuss the differences between the government health care programs Medicare and Medicaid.

Problem VIII. What are benefits and potential side effects of three over-the-counter drugs that you use or might use in the future?

Reference no: EM133488621

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