Discuss factors that are part of your decision

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM131395854

Algorithm Development Duscusions

Part 1 Algorithm Efficiency

Algorithm efficiency - when is this critically important?

• Discuss factors that are part of your decision when determining if Algorithm efficienty is important.

• Reply to others and add to or argue against their reasoning.

Part 2 Peer Reviews

Post from David

Algorithm efficiency is important in a lot of cases but the biggest is for large programs. I say this because in a small program if an algorithm is not efficient it will still not take much time to run, but if you have a large program chances are you will have multiple algorithms and if they are all inefficient then the extra time adds up. If you have too many inefficient algorithms the program could crash from taking too much time with all the algorithms. So, to me it is not always important but it is a good practice to get into algorithm efficiency for when it is important.

Post from Toni

The efficiency depends on either by using a fast algorithm which used quite a lot of working memory, or by using a slower algorithm which used very little working memory. The exception to the rule is to have it run in both ways as much as possible. Can you run it will little memory and as fast as it can run? The determination is up to the program and what it is running and what you are looking to do. The best way to determine this is looking for a happy medium without too much sacrifice.

Reference no: EM131395854

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Discuss factors that are part of your decision : Discuss factors that are part of your decision when determining if Algorithm efficienty is important. Algorithm efficiency is important in a lot of cases but the biggest is for large programs.
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