Discuss experimental design

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Reference no: EM133550947


1. Briefly discuss an experimental design that you'd use to explore the relationship between an independent variable (IV) and a dependent variable (DV) of your choosing. Formulate the Null Hypothesis for your study and explain why it's essential to have a Null Hypothesis in research and how it helps us evaluate the impact of our findings.

2. Imagine you have successfully conducted your study and have collected the data. Identify the appropriate Null Hypothesis test (e.g., t-test, ANOVA, chi-square, etc.) you'd use to analyze the data and justify your selection.

3. Let's say you obtain a p-value of 0.04. What does this p-value indicate about the Null Hypothesis and its relationship with the IV and DV? How would you interpret this result, and what conclusions could you draw from it?

4. What about a p-value of 0.06? Explain how this p-value would lead you to make different conclusions than the previous case. Reflect on the significance of this difference and how it influences your research findings.

Reference no: EM133550947

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