Discuss ethical behaviour in accordance professional codes

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Reference no: EM132087126

Network Management in Organisations Assessment - Ethical issues arising from use of ICT technologies

Purpose of the assessment - The purpose of this assignment is to develop skills in research, critical analysis and academic writing of high standard. In this assignment students will:

  • Identify potential ethical and social issues related to IT administration ethics.
  • Discuss ethical and social issues pertaining to IT systems-administration.
  • Interpret professional codes of ethics developed by various industry bodies.
  • Discuss ethical behaviour in accordance with professional codes.
  • Explain ethical solutions to ensure that the society benefits.

Students must be able to generate ideas at abstract levels and support their arguments with strong reasoning. Students must strengthen critical thinking skills by answering the assignment.

Assignment Description -

Smart technologies are on the rise. There is a body of literature discussing the key benefits of Smart Technologies; however smart technologies also introduce many ethical issues.

0) Driverless car technology has attracted significant interest in manufacturing industry over the recent years. Please identify what ethical issues arise from use of driverless cars. Will you embrace this emerging technology from ethical perspective?

1) Cyberbullying has been a significant issue globally over the past few years. Cyber-technology has exacerbated this problem due to proliferation of mobile applications in the marketplace. You receive notification from a third party through one of the Apps that you use inviting you to participate in an event. You are not sure how they received your details. Discuss what security issues arise due to sharing of too much personal information on social media Apps.

2) Smart phones are being used by nurses for clinical communications and workflow in hospitals. Using smart phones to record patient data introduces ethical issues involving patient privacy. Identify what privacy risks arise in such a context and explain the risks in detail.

3) Technologies such as google glass and smart watches are coming into workplace. Given the intrusive natures of these technologies it is easy for employees to take video or photographs of other people at work and share it with others. What ethical issues arise from use of wearable technologies in workplace?

4) There are many apps available for download for consumers (for example, health monitoring, booking taxi, banking apps). While these Apps are user friendly and improve user experience, there is also a security concern that hackers can use some loopholes in such apps to modify or delete customer information. Discuss an App that you have used recently and if there have been privacy breaches? Is it ethical for companies to introduce Apps with only basic level of security?

Investigate and reflect upon one of the above scenarios using Ethical Guidelines published by organisations such as: EA and ACS.

Students  with ID ending with

Answer the scenario number

0 or 5


1 or 6


2 or 7


3 or 8


4 or 9


You must use the following aspects as headings for your answer -

Introduction  - Introduce the ethical  issues in 3-5 sentences.

Identification  - Identify at least 2 important ethical issues. 

Analyse  - Analyse the above identified issues.

Evaluate/justification - Evaluate the issues and write justification of your evaluation.

Conclusion  - Write clear conclusion in 2-3 sentences.

Reference style - Follow APA or IEEE reference style.

Verified Expert

The assignment discusses the key privacy concerns that arise due to the use of the numerous social media applications today. This includes becoming vulnerable to hackers and fraudsters who can use the information from one's social media page for identity theft and being at an increased risk of being stalked or harassed. Further, the contribution of these networks to the rise of cyberbullying have also been discussed along with the dangers of background information such as location data being constantly collected by these applications.

Reference no: EM132087126

Questions Cloud

Why osha was created : Why OSHA was created. Do you will write an essay of 200 words related to the pertinence and transcendence of OSHA's creation.
Discuss the six barriers to strategy implementation : Discuss the six barriers to strategy implementation and the corresponding principles for engaging and overcoming them.
Analyze the effect of workload : Write a 700 word essay in which you critically analyze the effect of workload and its impact on the quality of work and personal life.
What is the firms net income : The corporation is 100% equity financed, and it faces a 24% tax rate. What is the firms net income?
Discuss ethical behaviour in accordance professional codes : MN501 Network Management in Organisations Assessment - Ethical issues arising from use of ICT technologies, Melbourne Institute of Technology Australia
What are some of the metrics that marketing analysis : What are some of the metrics that marketing analysis can help uncover about a business or the industry they exist in?
Determines the premiums and benefits of the insured : Then explain (in at least five paragraphs) how each of them, such as private, governmental or personal insurance, determines the premiums, coverage.
Trident nuclear submarine is generally calm and quiet : The atmosphere in a Trident nuclear submarine is generally calm and quiet.
Discuss the characteristics of those risks : Discuss what kind of risks might affect your project. Discuss the characteristics of those risks.



8/16/2018 2:26:24 AM

No of Pages/Words : 800/1000. Submission Guidelines - All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page. The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body) font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section eadings. Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using APA or IEEE referencing style.


8/16/2018 2:26:19 AM

All topics are pertinent and covered in depth. Ability to think critically and source material is demonstrated. Demonstrated excellent ability to think critically and sourced reference material appropriately. Logic is clear and easy to follow with strong arguments Excellent use of creditable sources. Accurate referencing. Obvious that outstanding effort made . Logic is clear and easy to follow with strong arguments . Clear styles with excellent source of references.

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