Discuss emergence and growth of traditional gangs in america

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM13767346

1. Prepare a 5-7 page paper that will discuss the emergence and growth of traditional gangs in America, myths aside. Paper will be completed in APA format

2. Read about the "7 Drug Categories" on the DRE website. Using your textbook, the DEA "Drugs of Abuse" article, and two other sources, write a five (5) page (APA) formatted research paper. www.decp.org

Topic: Select two of the seven drug categories and compare and contrast the following issues:

Compare and contrast drug abuse factors between the two categories
Effects on the human body including symptomology
Identification and packaging
Methods of ingestion
Trafficking trends for the two drug categories
Issues in criminality

WARNING: Select two categories not two drugs; for example you cannot select cocaine and methamphetamine because they are both in the stimulant category.

Reference no: EM13767346

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