Discuss effectiveness of organisations

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131032107 , Length: word count:1800

Essay Question

‘If HRM is to contribute to the effectiveness of organisations, it needs to be strategic, and HR strategy needs to be integrated with business strategy.' Discuss.

General advice:

You should start by becoming familiar with the discussion in chapter 1 of the textbook (Stone, R.J. (2013). Managing Human Resources (4th ed.). Milton, QLD: John Wiley & Sons (Australia), , especially from pages 25-40. This reading will give you a basic idea of the issues to be discussed in the question.

Then undertake additional reading on the issues. One way is to follow up some of the material referred to in the footnotes in the pages of the text listed above. The full details of the footnotes can be found at the end of the chapter.

You can also use the Fed Uni library search engine to find other academic references. A useful way to do this is to type some of the keywords from the question into the search box on the library website.

Please write in normal essay style. Avoid the use of sub-headings; instead introduce new material through the use of an introductory sentence, and conclude each section with a summary sentence that also links to the next section of the essay.

Research and referencing requirements:

You MUST include a minimum of 10 academic references in your research. Academic references are those which have been peer reviewed for quality assurance. These include articles from academic journals and academic textbooks from reputable publishers. (20 references).

Reference no: EM131032107

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