Reference no: EM131773391
1: Effective messages need to hold the readers attention. The information from the message should be written in a language that caters to the audience. It should convey the appropriate tone, business casual for coworkers, slightly more formal for clients, and should be appropriate.
Keeping an idea of your tone in the message helps. Using words that may connect with the audience also helps deliver your message and ideas.
2: Based on the reading from the chapter and what I've been learning, to have the most effect or to be more effective in a messages, they need to be precise and concise. utilizing strong words to make an impact to the reader without been rude or aggressive. the message needs to be directed to an specific audience to avoid wasting the writer and the reader's time. for example, you cannot send a message about alcoholism to a person or and audience that don't drink alcohol. or on a more extreme case, you cannot send a message about running or jogging to a person or an audience in wheel chair. so, according to the experts, the more effective messages are those directed to a target audience.
3: Business messages need to be writing in a specific tone to communicate correctly. The tone varies depending on who you are communicating with; customers or superiors should be written to in a more formal tone that shows respect. Whereas, writing a quick message to a coworker you have known for years can be a informal. Though some situations seem to be easy to identify what tone to use, others are more difficult. Some guidelines to follow are: avoiding obscure words, or cliched expressions. Avoid bragging or sounding like a know-it-all and be vary careful with humor. Because of the absence of nonverbal signals that are communicated when speaking to each other are not in a written message, humor can be taken in the wrong way and misinterpreted causing more trouble than necessary.
4: Ineffective communication means failure in the workplace, as seen in this video by the following examples; lack of teamwork, organization, and disrespect. The opening scenario shows David, Carla, and Rakesh all talking amongst one another, but no one is listening, so it is just total chaos. The first team meeting shows everyone hesitant to speak up, but then Rakesh finally asks for a message board to keep track of where everyone is. The boss agreed to try his idea but more importantly, he failed to create organization within his staff; the phone constantly rings and up until the ending of the video, the only one answering it was Carla. Lack of cleanliness in the kitchen should have also been addressed because the notes were not effective at resolving the problem. The other big problem was that no one was really listening to what the other(s) had to say. Carla had a conversation with her boss and he didn't even look at her. In the company i used to work for, some of the bosses used to have one on one (1:1) meetings with each of their staff to let them know their individual progress in the company. An hour was usually set aside and this way, the boss and employee had one another's full attention and could discuss private matters. David should have done this with Carla and Joel, instead of assuming that everything was fine when he noticed Carla upset in the kitchen and Joel, hanging his head down all of the time and not communicating with anyone. It was also wrong of David to disclose personal information in the staff meeting about Joel to his employees. He could have just said Joel is taking indefinite leave for a medical issue. Not until the end of the video, did Carla and Rakesh start pulling together to work as a team and David finally pitched in to help answer the phones to take the burden off Carla.