Discuss effect of choices on revenue recognition principles

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM133468913

Discussion Post: Management Information System

Before the end of the unit, begin commenting on at least two of your classmates' responses. You can ask technical questions or respond generally to the overall experience. Be objective, clear, and concise. Always use constructive language, even in criticism, to work toward the goal of positive progress. Submit your responses in the Discussion Area.

Question I. Select two different types of HCOs and consider the most positive and most negative effects of using the cash versus accrual accounting method for the business.

Question II. Discuss the effect of the choices on revenue recognition and matching principles.

Question III. Compare and contrast the following items, pointing out their key elements: gross revenue and net revenue, patient service revenue and other revenue, and charity care and bad debt losses on the income sheet.

Reference no: EM133468913

Questions Cloud

How catastrophic natural disasters can be mitigated : What was the purpose of the study? The purpose of this study, was to look at the emergency response over the past five years at locations that suffered massive
One misconception or aspect of adult development : What is one misconception or aspect of adult development/aging that has been corrected for you during the course
Share your mood ratings and maas scores : Share your mood ratings and MAAS scores and Describe the mindfulness practice(s) you engaged in.
How did the researchers conduct the study : How did the researchers conduct the study? What was achieved? How could the study be improved? How can researchers expand on this study?
Discuss effect of choices on revenue recognition principles : Discuss the effect of the choices on revenue recognition and matching principles. Compare and contrast the following items, pointing out their key elements.
Define reliability and validity in your own words : Define reliability and validity in your own words. Briefly describe the different types of reliability and validity, including why it is important to conduct
Contrast this research design with another research : Contrast this research design with another research design that you could have chosen to test your hypothesis. Why is your chosen research design better
What are 3 of the most critical topics in need of research : What are 3 of the most critical topics in need of research? Include any topics not identified in the textbook that you feel should be included.
Describe your sampling procedure : Describe your research design and explain why it would be appropriate to use. Describe your population of interest


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