Discuss economic - marital systems of a country

Assignment Help International Economics
Reference no: EM13767392

Briefly discuss the economic, political, educational, family, and marital systems of a country of your choice. Include a response to the following questions.

  • If your company was to do business in your chosen country, what kind of social hierarchies and social interactions should you be aware of?
  • What kind of management style would you use to be most effective given the cultural attributes of the country?
  • How would you overcome the barriers to communication?
  • Do you agree with the saying, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do" when it comes to doing business with another country?

Reference no: EM13767392

Questions Cloud

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Discuss economic - marital systems of a country : Discuss the economic, political, educational, family, and marital systems of a country of your choice. Include a response to the following questions.
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