Discuss different financing options to set up your business

Assignment Help Corporate Finance
Reference no: EM132139364 , Length: word count:2000

Assignment -

Task: This is an individual assignment in which you are required to form a business and answer some accounting related questions.

Assessment Criteria:

This task will generally be assessed in terms of the following criteria:

1. Effectiveness of communication: readability, grammar, spelling, neatness, completeness and presentation.

2. Demonstrated competency and understanding: This will be evidenced by the student's ability to be dialectical in the discussion of contentious issues. The marker will pay attention to the accuracy of the content, coverage of relevant issues, structure of argument, English expressions, absence of plagiarism, concise writing style, and referencing style.

3. Evidence of research - This will be evidenced by the references used and the inclusion of a bibliography.

Assignment Requirements:

Answer the following questions:

1. You are required to form a business and to write a brief introduction about it (name, services or products, legal form, merchandising or manufacturing, retail or wholesale, size, industry, etc...)

2. In deciding on the legal form for your business, discuss the reasons for your choice.

3. Discuss the different financing options to set up your business and the reasons for your choice (s).

4. Briefly define the role of accounting as it relates to your business (your answer should include accounting information, users of information, accounting process, financial accounting and management accounting, etc...)

5. Develop a chart of accounts for your business.

6. Will there be a need to use special journals and/or subsidiary ledgers in your business. Discuss (whether your answer is yes or no).

7. As it relates to your business, when is it suitable to do the adjustment of the accounts and the closing and why.

8. Discuss the considerations that the management of your business would take into account in deciding on whether to distribute profits or to retain them in the business.

Please note that you will need to address these questions in a way that is specific, appropriate, and directly relevant to the business chosen.

Reference no: EM132139364

Questions Cloud

How defense-in-depth and awareness complimentary techniques : Your final research paper assignment is to write a research paper that explains how defense-in-depth (chapter 6) and awareness (chapter 10) are complimentary.
Congestion of transportation and logistics : Discuss how we need to look into new technology and methodology to improve the congestion of transportation and logistics?
Research legal case or recent event related to criminal law : Research one legal case or recent event involving a tort and one legal case or recent event related to criminal law.
Write the pseudocode to find the minimum key : Use the following tree to answer the questions: Write the a pseudocode to find key 36 successor. Write pseudocode to find the minimum key in the previous tree?
Discuss different financing options to set up your business : ACT102 Assignment - Discuss the different financing options to set up your business and the reasons for your choice (s)
Analyze and describe the growth in overall employment : Analyze and describe the growth in overall employment within these two industries and how this overall growth is forecasted within the next ten years.
What is the importance of the process to the organization : Develop innovative and sustainable solutions to strategic and global operations management challenges.
Prepare a horizontal and vertical analysis on years : Using the income statement, prepare a horizontal and vertical analysis on years 2017 for both Nike and Under Armour
Explain the information-processing view : Explain the information-processing view and why it's important in organizational design



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Length: Maximum of 2000 words. Please note that you will need to address these questions in a way that is specific, appropriate, and directly relevant to the business chosen. (I am not after general information. You will need to be specific and your answers should be relevant and suitable to the characteristics of the business you have chosen).


10/12/2018 11:47:23 PM

Submission of Assignments - Assignments must be submitted by the due date. Failure to submit an assignment on or before the due date will result in an academic penalty of 5 % of the marks allocated for the assignment each day the assignment is overdue. All assignments must be submitted online. (Assignments submitted via email will not be accepted). Students should include their names and students’ numbers, clearly and without errors on the first page of the assignment. Assignment should be typed and submission file should be either word or pdf. All of your assignment should be on ONE file only. Your assignment file name should be your campus name followed by your student number only (example: WFD990040.doc). Use WFD for waterfront; SYDN for Sydney, MELB for Melbourne, and EXT for external.

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