Discuss difference between internal and external control

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Reference no: EM133554082


1. Discuss the difference between Internal and External Controls.

2. Compare and contrast Travis Hirschi's Social Bond Theory with Travis Hirschi and Gottfredson's General Theory of Crime aka Low Self Control Theory.

3. Discuss how control theories can be linked to different aspects of social deviance. Please provide examples.

Reference no: EM133554082

Questions Cloud

Ethnically diverse adolescent success : Propose one or two additional strategies that will increase ethnically diverse adolescent success in the summer program.
Difference between conditions-problems-issues and needs : Detail the difference between conditions, problems, issues, needs, and opportunities. Explain why these distinctions are important.
Barriers reflective of structural and institutional barrier : How are these barriers reflective of structural and institutional barriers, not personal deficits? Is the work ethic evident in the stories?
Professional development in early childhood setting : What are some of the challenges to providing professional development in the early childhood setting? How can these be minimized?
Discuss difference between internal and external control : Discuss the difference between Internal and External Controls. Discuss how control theories can be linked to different aspects of social deviance.
Ethical practice of social work and human services : Explain some ways the ethical practice of social work and human services can contribute to Indigenous Australian peoples' self-determination.
Explain the connection between education and social mobility : Outline the race and class inequalities within education. Explain the connection between education and social mobility.
Discussion lately concerning youth violence in our country : We find ourselves in a frequent discussion lately concerning Youth Violence in our country and how to improve upon this.
Country cultural attitudes regarding female citizens : Talk about Afghanistan country cultural attitudes regarding female citizens. How many women run their own business?


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