Discuss current issues in auditing and assurance services

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Reference no: EM133062920

Question 1: Differentiate between different types of assurance engagements, including compliance and performance engagements, and different levels of assurance

Question 2: Discuss sustainability assurance engagements as an exemplar of other assurance services

Question 3: Discuss public sector auditing and the current regulatory environment

Question 4: Discuss current issues in auditing and assurance services

Question 5: With reference to the Cochlear Sustainability Rreport 2020, why do you think there is demand for sustainability reporting and assurance services? What are some of the challenges that assurance providers face in conducting sustainability assurance engagements?

Question 6: According to the ASIC Audit Inspection Program Public report (2019-20), what were the two most frequent areas of audit deficiencies? For each area give an example of a common deficiency.

Question 7: What were the recommendations of the PJCCFS inquiry into the Regulation of Auditing in Australia in relation to the provision of non-audit services by auditing firms (see the Interim Report)? Why did the dissenting view consider these recommendations deficient (see the Final Report)?

Reference no: EM133062920

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