Reference no: EM133718206
1. Please discuss "Convicted Rapists' Vocabulary of Motive," by Scully and Marolla. In your discussion, among other things, please answer the following:
A. What were some of the shared characteristics of admitters and deniers of rape in Scully and Marolla's study?
B. What are the (external) contributing factors for the views of women in our society? How does this compare, for example, of views of women in conservative societies such as Saudi Arabia?
2.. Please discuss "The Devil Made Me Do it: Use of Neutralizations by Shoplifters," by Cromwell and Thurman. In your discussion, among other things, please answer the following:
A. Discuss why shoplifters, even though participants in a relatively widespread "folk" crime in our society, invariably employ various techniques of neutralization for their crime? Explain.
B. Describe and identify six of the nine neutralizations Cromwell and Thurman found in their research regarding shoplifters' attempts to justify their crimes. Which do you think are most likely used in everyday life as well? Explain.
C. Describe and identify the two new neutralization techniques identified by Cromwell and Thurman, providing examples.
3. Please discuss "Moral Stigma Among the Transabled," by Davis. In your discussion, among other things, please answer the following:
A. In what ways does the "morality work" of transablers or the BIID community operate simultaneously at the interpersonal and institutional levels? Explain and provide examples for each level.
B. Discuss and provide an example of the various claims used by those who view transablers or those in BIID community as morally bankrupt. What are your views about individuals who suffer from BIID? Compared to other disorders in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders V (DSM-V), why does BIID result in such negative reactions from the general population? Explain.
4. Please discuss "Fitting In and Fighting Back: Homeless Kids Stigma Management Strategies," by Rochelle and Kaufman. In your discussion, among other things, please answer the following:
A. Discuss the special challenges associated with studying disadvantaged, marginalized populations such as homeless children. Do you believe Roschelle and Kaufman have been successful in their research in overcoming these difficulties? Why or why not-explain.
B. Discuss each of the two major strategies (inclusion and exclusion) homeless children employed in their stigma management of being poor and homeless. Explain specific ways in which each of these strategies were accomplished.
5. Please discuss "Gender and Victimization Risk among Young Women in Gangs," by Miller. In your discussion, among other things, please answer the following:
A. Discuss the ironic fact Miller points out regarding how male and female gang members see gangs as providing them with protection from violence, yet their involvement actually increases their exposure to victimization. Why do you think this contradiction is not more apparent or self-evident to gang members themselves? Explain.
B. Describe and explain several ways in which gender impacts women's roles and status in gangs, both positively and negatively. Do you think women do or do not have a lesser status in gangs than their male counterparts? Present some of the evidence Miller offers to argue both sides of this question.
C. Discuss the status difference between women that were initiated into gangs for their toughness versus women who were "sexed in." Which status is higher? Is evidence provided by Miller that a woman could move from a lower status to a higher status in the gang?
6. Please discuss "State-Corporate Crime in the Offshore Oil Industry: The BP Oil Spill," by Bradshaw. In your discussion, among other things, please answer the following:
A. To what extent does the MMS-industry case represent a "business-as-usual" mentality in the context of state-corporate crime? In what other industries (e.g., economic, medical, climate, etc.) has this been an issue? Discuss and provide examples.
B. What is neoliberalism and how has it benefited some group and cost others? What measures do government entities have to ensure exist in order to prevent state-corporate crime? Explain and provides examples.
C. What did you learn from the "Deepewater Horizon Spill in the Offshore Oil Industry: The BP Oil Spill" YouTube?
7. Please discuss "Subculture and Community: Pain and Authenticity in SM Play," by Newmahr. In your discussion, among other things, please answer the following:
A. In what ways does Newmahr's study dispel myths about the SM community? In what ways does it reinforce stereotypes? Explain and provide at least two examples for each question.
B. How are ideologies of power and discourses of pain constructed in relation to one another in the SM community? To what extent does being a "top" or "bottom" influence how pain is experienced? Detail each discourse of pain - as outlined by Newmahr - and provide examples.
C. Please discuss the "current understandings "of SM as presented by Dr. Calathes is class. What are the medical/psychoanalytic perceptions of SM? What are some social context perceptions, including the radical feminist view and "escape from self" perspectives?
8. Please discuss "Sexual Assault on Campus by Armstrong, Hamilton, and Sweeney." In your discussion, among other things, please answer the following:
A. Discuss and explain the various factors-peer and college student culture, organizational arrangements, and gender interaction-which contribute to sexual assault on some college or university campuses. Using these criteria, how would you assess the sexual danger or risk for women on your home college or university campus? Explain fully.
B. Why do students tend to blame the victims of sexual assault instead of criticizing the college party scene? In what way are male and female students invested in the collage party scene? Is this true generally in society? Why or why not? Explain.
C. What were the challenges and difficulties experienced "opting out" of the party scene for the female students in the dorm?
D. As presented by Dr Calathes, what are some of the obstacles when facing sexual violence in general? Why do campuses provide crucial, but a challenging environemnt for sexual assauilt prevention? What is the Clery Act and do you believe it is effective? Why or why not? What are the role of "bystanders?"
9. Please discuss "Opportunity Structures for White-Collar Crime," by Engdahl.
In your discussion, among other things, please answer the following:
A. Discuss how Engdahl draws upon Goffman's concept to explain the issue of how social positions create opportunities for white collar crime. What is it that the broker is to know and what he is assumed to do, which leads the client, and the organization for which the broker works, to extend unquestioning trust? What is the broker's status within the organization that contributes to his autonomy?
B. Define the concept of "barrier" Engdahl employs and identify and discuss two of three such barriers in the case study of stock broker fraud.
C. Based on Engdahl's analysis of the case study of stock broker fraud, it would appear that both the client and the firm must assume a degree of responsibility for making possible this white collar crime. Describe the possible ways in which both the client and the firm must be seen to shoulder at least some of the responsibility for enabling this stock fraud to occur.
10. Please discuss "Pimp-Controlled Prostitution," by Williamson and Cluse-Tolar. In your discussion, among other things, please answer the following:
A. Discuss the rules of the pimp game, including the use of violence, from the standpoints of both the pimp and the prostitute. Why do prostitutes generally buy into this game? Explain.
B. Why don't more prostitutes leave their .abusive pimps? How do ones that do decide to leave, eventually do so? Do you think it is accurate to compare prostitutes with abused women in abusive domestic relationships? Why or why not?
C. Describe the process of "turning a woman out." How do pimps control women in the initial stage of recruitment? What is the pimp's relationship to a woman as he is recruiting her?