Discuss contingency plans

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133409711


Funding and Implementation Plan

Funding the human services program is a critical piece of program design and development. Human services leaders need to make important decisions about where they will get the funds needed to successfully operate programs. In addition to a funding plan, human services programs need a business plan with a timeline or phases of implementation.

Please respond to the following:

  • Briefly discuss where you propose to seek funding resources to initiate your program and sustain its operation. Name at least two private or public funding sources for your program.
  • Provide a concise "action plan" to implement your program that articulates priorities, timelines, and accountability. Be sure to discuss contingency plans and the "next steps" needed to implement the program.
  • Identify at least two projected outcomes/results for your program. How could the availability of funding resources affect these projected results and the success of your program?

Reference no: EM133409711

Questions Cloud

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Discuss contingency plans : Provide a concise "action plan" to implement your program that articulates priorities, timelines, and accountability. Be sure to discuss contingency plan.
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What happens when constitutional rights collide : You will be writing an essay, on what happens when Constitutional rights collide. Should mandatory draft registration be imposed on both men and women?
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What else did the defendant seek : In addition to medical bills, proof of lost wages, and depositions of witnesses, what else did the defendant seek?


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