Reference no: EM132613429
Assignment: Journal: Personal Career Path
In this journal assignment, you will reflect on the course and your experiences and how you can apply what you have learned from your personal career path in helping your future clients.
In your journal assignment, complete the following:
1. What can you apply from this course to your personal career path?
2. What did you learn from this course that you wish you had known earlier and that will help you as you progress in your career journey?
• things learned
• career counseling
• personality test
• career test
By the end of this module, you will be able to discuss past jobs, work, and careers and how these have influenced becoming a counselor-in-training, and identify basic issues, ethics, and historical background of career counseling
By the end of this module, you will be able to analyze chosen assessments for validity and discuss career counseling theories and the one personally drawn to. You'll also be able to examine career counseling theories, including ethical considerations.
By the end of this module, you will be able to explain the use of technology in career counseling and provide a summary of the case conceptualization diagnosis.
• Discuss the considerations when working with diverse populations
• Provide a summary of the client and purpose of assessment report
• Discuss the career counseling theory used while working with a client
• Discuss the assessments used including their validity, reliability, and multicultural considerations
This life planning workshop worksheet provides you practice with providing career recommendations to support clients. You will be providing recommendations in your career assessment report.
Think through the process of what it means to engage clients in the career decision-making process while creating an intervention that could be used in a real-life situation at a later date.
Assessment scoring, assessment results interpretation, recommendations, and conclusion for your career assessment
Consider technology in career counseling and how you will use technology to help your clients. Technology (e.g., the internet, computer science, and automation) has changed the occupational structure and job demand in the last three decades. Job information is up-to-date and easily accessible for anyone with internet.
Prepare ledger accounts and trial balance for the business
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Make the journal entries that would be made
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What impact do you think it might have on the client
: Now that you are aware of the process of creating a diagnosis, you also have to consider both the strengths and limitations of a diagnosis.
Provide an explanation of three basic financial statements
: Provide an explanation of the three basic financial statements, namely, the balance sheet, the income statement, and the statement of cash flows.
Discuss considerations when working with diverse population
: In this journal assignment, you will reflect on the course and your experiences and how you can apply what you have learned from your personal career path.
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Other connectivism in education world
: Is there a place for MOOCs, AI, and other connectivism in the education world?
What is the estimated amount of fire loss on december
: What is the estimated amount of fire loss on December 31, 2020? On December 31, 2020, a fire destroyed most of the merchandise inventory