Discuss concept of strategic human resource development

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133397285

Read the following excerpt from an academic article

Reshaping HRD in Light of the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Ethics of Care Approach The pandemic has shown that the capitalist system relies upon reproductive labor for its very survival, yet consistently undervalues this form of work. Indeed, recent decades have seen an increasing commodification of labor due to trends related to globalization and new technology (Rubery et al., 2018). Rhetoric suggesting that "we are all in this together," which has been espoused by some political leaders (Guterres, 2020; House of Commons, 2020b; White House, 2020) reveals a lack of appreciation for the differential impact of the pandemic on diverse communities. It highlights the relative sheltered and privileged position of some groups and identifies social justice fault lines in how the pandemic disproportionately affects women and minority communities. An ethics of care approach recognizes the moral duty of HRD practitioners to protect the safety and wellbeing of all employees. As a field of practice focused on human development and human flourishing (Kuchinke, 2010), it is incumbent upon HRD to initiate a discussion on how we recognize and value care in the workplace. Such a discourse needs to examine how care in the workplace can be normalized as a natural human need. From a theoretical standpoint, this may involve expanding our understanding of HRD beyond its traditional foundations and adopting more humanistic approaches to safeguarding employee welfare and growth in the workplace. The disruptive impact of COVID-19 offers the opportunity to renew HRD in line with frameworks such as the United Nations sustainable development goals (Zarestky & Collins, 2017). For too long, HRD has been complicit in managerialist agendas that have focused on resource optimization and the pursuit of sustainable competitive advantage to the exclusion of environmental and societal considerations (Adhikari, 2010; Clardy, 2008; Otoo et al., 2019). Indeed, it can be argued that investments in workplace learning have often been framed exclusively in terms of twin goals of increasing profit and performance (Park & Jacobs, 2011). An ethics of care approach brings individuals, organizations and communities together into a contextual relationship through which an ethical compass is used to guide decision-making based upon the needs of others (Haddock et al., 2010). Participation, inclusion, dialogue, and engagement are central to the process of transformative social change (Pettersen, 2008). Moreover, it urges organizations and HRD practitioners to readjust values systems to reassert the primacy of people over profit and self-interest. Taking time to look out for employees needs and safeguard their psychological health and wellbeing is a core responsibility of compassionate organizations Uncertain times often provide opportunities for reflection and curiosity (Reio, 2020). In a recent contribution, Bierema's (2020) invites us to "stop and carefully examine the ways we live, work, lead and learn" (p. 347). Through adopting an ethics of care approach, we can re-center the "human" at the heart of HRD. Doing so would advance HRD scholarship and practice through forging new standards for workplace justice and inclusion (Bierema, 2020). An ethics of care approach is useful as an alternative to androcentric theories of justice (Held, 2006; Tronto, 1989) and can be viewed as emancipatory, genderneutral, and open to both women and men (Kennedy, 2016; Pettersen, 2008; Slote, 2007; Tronto, 1993). It strengthens and enhances human capacity for empathy and relationship through building responsiveness to the needs of others. By showing a genuine interest in workplace injustice and a willingness to take corrective action, HRD practitioners can become powerful advocates for the dismantling of systems of oppression that subjugate individuals on the basis of gender, race, sexual orientation, religion, ability, and social class. Source: McGuire, D., Germain, M.L. and Reynolds, K., 2020. Reshaping HRD in light of the COVID-19 pandemic: an ethics of care approach. Advances in Developing Human Resources,.

Question 1

Discuss the concept of strategic human resource development and evaluate specific challenges during the global COVID19 pandemic?

Reference no: EM133397285

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